Saturday, June 20, 2009



Dimensions: 310 x 466
Media: acrylic

''In order to arrive you must follow the signs.
God inscribed on the world the path
that each man must follow.
It is just a matter of reading the inscription
He wrote for you.''

Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist



Dimensions: 340 x 469
Media: acrylic

''Magnificent autumn! He comes not like a pilgrim,clad in russet weeds.He comes not like a hermit, clad in grey. He comes like a warrior, with the stain of blood upon his brazen mail. His crimson scarf is rent. His scarlet banner drips with gore. His step is like a flail upon the threshingfloor.''

Longfellow:Prose Works



Dimensions: 144 x 426
Media: acrylic

''We are all creators. We breathe. To
speak is to form breath and to
make manifest sound into the
world. As I write I create myself
again and again. Re-Create. And
breathe. And I see that I am not
one voice, but many: all colours, all
sounds, all fears, all loves.

Joy Harjo



Dimensions: 313 x 470
Media: watercolour and acrylic

''To undertake a genuine spiritual path
is not to avoid difficulties but to learn the
art of making mistakes wakefully, to bring
them to the transformative power
of our heart.''

Jack Kornfield



Dimensions: 317 x 468
Media: watercolour

''Being born as humans to this earth
is a very sacred trust.
We have a sacred responsibility because
of the special gift we have, which is beyond
the fine gifts of the plant life, the fish, the
woodlands, the birds, and all the other
living things on earth.
We are able to take care of them.''

Audrey Shenandoah



Dimensions: 320 x 465
Media: watercolour

''We must be willing to get rid of
the life we have planned so as to
have the life that is waiting for us.''

Joseph Campbell


For Sale

Dimensions:116 x 460
Media: acrylic

''Human action has not woven the web of life;
we are but a thread in it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect.''

Chief Seattle (c.1786-1866),Suquamish Nation


For Sale

Dimensions: 290 x 461
Media: acrylic

''We all live in our own world.
But if you look up at the starry sky,
you will see that all the different worlds
up there combine to form constellations,
solar systems,galaxies.''

Paulo Coelho, Veronica Decides To Die.


For Sale

Dimensions:340 x 417
Media: acrylic

''Defeat exists, but not suffering.
A true warrior knows that when
he loses a battle he is improving
the skill with which he wields a sword.
He will be able to fight more skilfully
next time.''

Paulo Coelho, By The River Piedra...


Dimensions: 249 x 452
Media: acrylic
''So rests the sky against the earth....
I feel an ache of longing to share in
this embrace, to be united and
absorbed; a longing like carnal desire,
but directed towards earth, water, sky
and returned by the whispers of the trees,
the fragrance of the soft soil, the caresses
of the wind, the embrace of water and light.
Content? No, no , no.
But refreshed, rested while waiting.

 Dag Hammarskjold



Dimensions: 351 x 470
Media: watercolour and acrylic

''When you lack understanding and
are unable to control your mind,
your senses do not obey you,
just as unruly horses do not
obey a charioteer.''

Upanishads( c.600BC)



Dimensions: 614 x 202
Media: acrylic

''Silence is the absolute poise or balance of body,
mind and spirit. The man who preserves his
selfhood is ever calm and unshaken by the storms
of existence.....If you ask him:''What is silence?''
he will answer:''It is the Great Mystery.The
holy silence is His voice.'' If you ask:''what are
the fruits of silence?'' he will say:''They are
self-control, true courage or endurance,
patience, dignity and reverence.
Silence is the cornerstone of character.''

Ohiyesa(Dr. Charles Eastman), Santee Sioux

Thursday, June 18, 2009


In the beginning, the land was covered with ancient woodland,an unexplored maze of massive tree trunks and deep leaf litter.
Our ancestors made their home in these places, they learned to hunt and gather, to build shelters, and to venerate their gods.

They knew the ways of trees and timber, the strong staves of the yew for bows and spears, the oak for construction, the alder for shields, and so on. And they associated their gods with trees so that the power of a kingdom was vested in a great magical tree or branch, and this had to be protected.

As the trees were cut down, and the ancient forests cleared, part of that old knowledge retreated; nowadays the fairies live on in ring forts, along rivers, on wooded islands, wherever trees still have a chance to grow in peace. So the stands of woodland that survive are very special places, preserving an ancient awareness.
If we want to find Puck and the other spirits of the earth, we will be most likely to find them in wooland, the land of heart's desire.
We do not go to the woods in spirit only, we also go in our physical bodies to touch, see, smell and hear the great, patient forms. As children we took up the challenge and climbed for a place in the green, comforting shadows of the tree branches; we got away from the grown-ups and their anxious world.
Today we can return again, inspired by Carmen Garcia's art. to find a place among the trees for our spirits and our bodies.

Written by Sean Lysaght, author of '' The mouth of a river(2007), and ''Scarecrow'' (1998).